Founded in 1994, Babylon Design specialises in designing, building and maintaining private gardens. During the last 20 years Babylon has transformed over a hundred drab, barren and overgrown gardens into vibrant, beautiful and sustainable spaces to be enjoyed by their owners. Some gardens have been small courtyard gardens whilst others were country estates with dozens of acres.

Central to our approach is an appreciation that beautiful, low maintenance, successful gardens need to relate to their environment, the buildings and their surroundings. The clients needs and wishes are also incorporated to develop a garden that works horticulturally and aesthetically.

Garden designers oxfordshire

Babylon Design has been involved in two medal winning gardens at the Hampton Court Flower Show. Working alongside another landscaping company we designed and supplied the planting to complement the design and hard landscaping. Babylon Design also has a sister company, a wholesale nursery growing hardy plants, giving us access to thousands of species of plants at wholesale prices for use in our schemes. Working with plants so much of the time also gives us a far wider knowledge of plants and their attributes than most garden companies.

Babylon Design creates gardens that are viewed as spaces to be planted rather than areas just to be laid to hard landscaping. We design and plant up entire gardens or just individual beds and schemes.

Despite our love of plants, we do lay stone paving, build wood structures, create ponds, erect fencing and other hard landscaping features when we undertake a complete garden. This enables us to ensure the quality of build, keep to a schedule and accommodate changes.

For larger projects, Babylon Design has a network of other contractors including tree surgeons, builders, electricians for lighting and even a swimming pond firm, which it can call on for larger or more specialist projects.


Garden design Oxfordshire