Environmental Policy
Babylon Design has always been committed to the preservation and enhancement of the environment on both a local and a global level. Our offices are situated within an eco building, our stationary is recycled before and after use, waste from the gardens is composted, recycled, reused or burned. Some are even used to heat our offices and provide hot water. Wherever possible plants are sourced locally and having been chosen to suit their environs they demand little water and chemical input in the future. We also try to use sustainable materials where possible although we do have to compromise sometimes using imported stone or timber. Most of the plants used in our gardens are grown locally in Oxfordshire at our nursery. This reduces the environmental impact associated with transporting plants across the globe whilst also providing several jobs for local people. Babylon Design believes that if we are to reduce the environmental impact of our business, we need to consider every aspect of the process from design and creation right through to maintenance.