Cornerstones, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire.
The brief was to renovate and improve an old garden that was dull and lifeless for much of the year. The client wanted the garden to be interesting throughout the year and to improve their privacy. A new terrace was also required to create a larger, more attractive seating area next to a curved section of the house.
Over 5 years, the garden was completely replanted with new borders, additional hedging and trees as well as several areas of lawn being planted with bulbs for spring display.
The lawn areas were planted with a selection of bulbs including snowdrops, crocus, cyclamen, winter aconites, bluebells, narcissi and snakes head fritillaries. These have spread to create stunning sheets of colour from January until May. These areas are cut back a month later and revert to normal lawn areas for the rest of the year.
The terrace was redone in a dark slate. In order to make the most of the curved nature of the building, the slate slabs were laid in arcs involving cutting every slab on two edges. A curved step up to the lawn replaced a dated flowerbed that impeded the flow into the garden. The new terrace is now the focal point for entertaining and relaxation.